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Drug abuse urine test


Drug abuse urine test is used for the rapid detection of multiple following drugs in a variety of combinations in human urine.

  • The package contains all the necessary tools and instructions in English for performing a single test
  • Easy to use. You will see the results in 15 minutes.
  • Testing agents:

    1. Amphetamine
    2. Buprenorphine (eg Subutex, Temgesic)
    3. Cocaine
    4. Ecstasy (Methamphetamine)
    5. MDMA
    6. Ephedrine
    7. Heroin
    8. Codeine
    9. Morphine and Opiates
    10. Marijuana
    11. THC/Cannabis
    12. Hasis
  • Instructions for use are also available in French, German, Spanish, and other languages.
  • Free and fast shipping!

Drug abuse urine test is used for the rapid detection of multiple following drugs in a variety of combinations in human urine.

Testing agents:

  1. Amphetamine
  2. Buprenorphine (eg Subutex, Temgesic)
  3. Cocaine
  4. Ecstasy (Methamphetamine)
  5. MDMA
  6. Ephedrine
  7. Heroin
  8. Codeine
  9. Morphine and Opiates
  10. Marijuana
  11. THC/Cannabis
  12. Hashish

The Drug abuse urine test is used to obtain the visual qualitative result and is intended to assist in the determination of drug compliance. This assay provides only a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternative chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) or Liquid Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) are the preferred confirmatory method. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are indicated.

Drug abuse, also known as substance or chemical abuse, is a chronic brain disease, unhealthy necessity in taking of psychoactive substances. Drug substances are the substances or drugs having specific influence onto central nervous system (stimulating, euphoria, changing the perception of the surrounding world).

Problem of drug abuse exists for a long time and it is quite hard to fight it.

Drug abuse and addiction have several biological,   psychological and social risk factors that increase individual’s probability of developing a chemical abuse disorder.  Among these factors experts usually single out the following factors:

  • family surrounding that influence early development of a child;
  • disorderly home environment;
  • genetic inheritance;
  • lack of breeding and parents’ attention;
  • lack of social coping skills.


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