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Alzheimer risk test


Alzheimer’s test gives you information about your genetic risk of Alzheimer’s disease. If you have a risk variant, you can adjust your life habits e.g. smoking, exercise, and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

  • The package contains all the necessary tools and instructions in English for performing a single test.
  • Easy to use. You will see the results after 2-4 weeks
  • DNA test kit is based on the latest scientific knowledge and sample is taken easily and painlessly with a mouth swab
  • Instructions for use are also available in French, German, Spanish, and other languages
  • Free and fast shipping!


Alzheimer risk test is a simple and reliable home test determining Alzheimer and based on latest scientific knowledge. The test gives you information about your genetic risk of Alzheimer disease. If you have a risk variant, you can adjust your life habits e.g. smoking, exercise and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer.
Test package includes:

  • Easy to use, non-invasive buccal test sample collection swabs.
  • Safe and secure transport pouch with desiccant to protect and provide a stable environment for the genetic sample during transport.
  • Paid envelope for sending the samples to the laboratory.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, a serious brain disorder that impacts daily living through memory loss and cognitive changes. Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disease, progressing from mild forgetfulness to widespread neurological impairment and ultimately death. Chemical and structural changes in the brain gradually destroy the ability to create, remember, learn, reason, and relate to others. As critical cells die, drastic personality loss occurs and body systems fail.

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder which gradually destroys the ability to reason, remember, imagine, and learn. It’s different from the mild forgetfulness normally observed in older people. Over the course of the disease, people with Alzheimer’s no longer recognize themselves or much about the world around them. Depression, anxiety, and paranoia often accompany these symptoms. Although there is no cure, new treatments help lessen Alzheimer’s disease symptoms and slow its progression.

Alzheimer’s is marked by abnormal clumps (called senile plaques) and irregular knots (called neurofibrillary tangles) of brain cells. For reasons not well understood, these plaques and tangles take over healthy brain tissue, devastating the areas of the brain associated with an intellectual function.

While Alzheimer’s disease usually affects those over age 65, a rare and aggressive form of Alzheimer’s can happen in some people in their 40s and 50s. Alzheimer’s disease progresses slowly, taking between three and 18 years to advance from the earliest symptoms to death; the average duration of the disease is eight years. Death results not from the disease itself, but from some secondary illness such as pneumonia or urinary tract infection. Right now, treatment of Alzheimer’s disease focuses on slowing its progression and coping with its symptoms.

In the early and middle stages of Alzheimer’s disease, people with the illness may be painfully aware of their intellectual failings and what is yet to come. At this stage and throughout the course of the illness, it’s vitally important to support their mental and emotional well-being with the help of their doctor, social worker, or psychological counselor. Show them love, affection, and warmth as they make their journey.

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